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You can participate in the maintenance fund of the Mahāsaddhammajotikadaja building in the Mahā Bodhi Bodh Gaya monastery compound in North Dagon 42-ward, where the Visuddhimag Dhamma Laan Vipassana Center (Yangon) is located.
Bank TransferKBZ BankDaw Myint Yi0055201010063290
Mobile BankingKBZ BankDaw Myint Yi0055201010063290
Mobile BankingAYA BankDaw Myint Yi08930112601315901
You can participate in the cost of electricity and general expenses for Visuddhimag Dhamma Laan Vipassana Center (Pyinsar).
In the 3-day Dhamma classes held every month, you can also donate food and gain merits.
Whole day – 500,000 kyats
Evening Meal – 200,000 kyats
Breakfast – 150,000 kyats
Lunch – 250,000 kyats
Fruit Juice Drinks – 50,000 kyats
Drinking Water – 50,000 kyats
Lights and Electricity – 30,000 kyats
Bank TransferAYA BankDaw Kyi Kyi Sein, Daw Mi Mi Khaing0206222010005361
Bank TransferKBZ BankDaw Mi Mi Khaing, Daw San San Win04130204102148601
KBZpayKBZ BankDaw Mi Mi Khaing09794104929
You can also participate in the fund to publish and distribute books, pamphlets, CD/DVDs at local and foreign Dhamma Retreats.

You can also participate in the donation of alms and other monastic requisites to over 80 monks and sāmaṇera of the Mahābodhi Bodh Gaya Teaching Monasteries in Gaya, India, and in Ward 42, North Dagon Township, Yangon.
