Cherry Ko

Daw Cherry Ko Donates

We say "Sadhu (Excellent)" for the donations in celebration of the 50th Golden Jubilee Wedding Anniversary.

In celebration of the 50th Golden Jubilee wedding anniversary of her parents U Ko Ko Gyi and Daw Lwin Lwin of Mandalay City, Daw Cherry Ko has donated as follows:

1. Donation to the construction of Visuddhimag Dhamma Laan Vipassana Center Mahāsaddhamma Jotikadaja Dhamma Hall 200,000 kyats
2. Donation for the joint Mahā Bon Kathein charity of Zabukong Teaching Monastery 100,000 kyats

A total of 300,000 kyats is donated.

May the donor's parents and daughter Daw Cherry Ko's family be happy and peaceful.

May you be happy and wealthy. May you attain wisdom. May you gain insightful understanding of Dhamma.


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